Friday, December 28, 2007

Playset Update...

We have had some major helpers in assembling this wonderful, fun structure in the back yard! Mom, Ben and Grandad worked on it all day long on Wednesday. It was a long day but lots got done. At this point, all that needs to be done is to do the landscaping with the mulching and framing in the area. It is going to look SOOOOOO nice when it is all done.

Take a look at some video...

Click here to see Ben's little helper on the ratcheting. He is so cute! He was concentrating so hard and was so proud of himself!

As all can see, the videos are a bit longer. We got an amazing gift from Uncle Ben and Aunt Rachael for Christmas. It is a Flip Video recorder! At their request, I am trying to put up longer video using this new awesome camera. I always felt that folks didn't want to see a long video and that it would be too boring. Well, some family members do disagree with me on this and are requesting more and longer video. I will do my best to serve... and to all those out there who do not want longer videos.... turn them off when you want to.

THANKS Ben and Rachael for our new toy!

Now, also, because of the longer video I have to upload them and share them using VideoEgg because Blogger just takes so long to upload a video and the longer they are the worse it gets. If anyone out there knows a better way for me to manage these, please share your knowledge. I am so open to trying out new ways to do this with all these videos!
The Project Managers...
The tool man...


These are some of my favs from that day... (I couldn't pick just one of them!)

He just wanted to be so involved and right in there with the big kids!

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