Monday, March 28, 2011

Watermelon Popcicles

Lakes Park Day with Friends!

Last Friday we had a great day up at Lakes Park with Tiffany, Brianna and Sierra! We road the train, had a picnic, played on the playground, smelled the flowers (they have a farmer's market on Fridays and lately Zane is all about the farmer's markets!!), played in the spray park, and snuggled with our best friends!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mom's (Mimi's) Birthday

We went to the VERY classy and wonderful Quality Inn by our house which has the best karaoke and people watching in all of Collier County. By the pictures you would think it is Papa's birthday! Lately, Zane treats everyday like it is Papa's birthday. He is very into and loving dearly his Papa. Who wouldn't, right?

So Papa loves to get Zane involved in any way he can. I believe this is his GENIOUS way of getting Zane used to the "stage." Genious, I tell you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

They are ok. I am breathing again.

Our friends Brian and Aya are living in Tokyo and have let us know they are ok.
I have taken some good deep breaths since learning this news.

But they are shopping in empty grocery stores...

Check out their blog here:

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

It's Magik

A day at home with Zane

Sometimes you just have to:
- wake up slow
- enjoy your tea
- take showers late
- hang in your jammies
- eat blueberries
- needle felt and play with clay
- bake bread
- then eat it with honey.

(The big clumpy roll is "robot bread.")