And then... I have to share our super deal at the dent grocery store because Paul and I still can't get over it! On the way home is a grocery store that sells "dent" items. It is too far for me to go there often but when we are up at Grandad's it is normally on our way home. This time I actually got to stop. I did a super speed shopping trip because Dylan was with us and Zane was sleepy but I got so much stuff for only $40 including a bottle of wine and a super giant bottle of organic tamari, a King Arthur cinnamon bun mix (never tried this stuff) AND they had my granola!! The best part is that the store often has a good selection of random organic brand snacky stuff. Check out the spread we had when we got home... now I only have to find a place to put all of this stuff!
Can you tell I am in my "good" week? I started feeling better on Thursday or so. I still get really tired and sooooo achy. And I don't know what it is about my feet but the bottoms of them are ALWAYS swollen and so tender. By the end of the day I just can not bare the thought of getting up yet another time to walk around. BUT, overall I get more energy compared to the week following the chemo and I get happier. I can better deal with things. This is good. We all have more fun on the "good" week.
Some Friday night fun (after we had a great dinner with our friends Tiffany & Brianna). The video is really dark but if you can look hard enough to figure out what we are doing, it is pretty funny! (It involves Dylan's leash and Zane's binky!)
Sounds like my kind of vacation! Pack light and no need to plan anything extra. AWESOME. Funny too how our bent purchases are almost identical. I just LOVE that place too.