It has been quite a while (for me at least) since the last post. I have had some pics stored up and waiting for me to have a spare moment to sit back and breathe and blog. Well, not sure if I am breathing yet, but definitely blogging! We have been so busy! Everyday is filled with something fun and exciting or work or both! We also just got back from a 5 day trip to Baton Rouge and New Orleans (our old stompin' grounds!). That post will have to follow because I have yet to empty out the pics on my camera from the trip!
The biggest news of all...
We officially have a WALKING BOY!!!! It started happening about 2 weeks ago with two steps here and there. Then by three days later he was walking across the room! He is still a bit wobbly (Paul has titled him our Drunkin' Sumo Wrestler) but he can get around. Some of it is a bit of side steppin'. I believe that is because he spent so much time cruising around the tables and along the couches.
Here is a video that Brian took for us while they were over for dinner one night a couple weeks ago...
And then, by a couple days later...
Just to catch up on other stuff, here are some pictures of some fun things we have been up to...
Loading up in the trailer and meeting Beth & Dexter at the park for some climbing, swinging and snacks! As you can see I loaded up the trailer pretty good! I had some packages to drop off at the post office (some love to Ben and Rachael!) with some work FedEx's to drop and some goodies for Beth & Dex. Zane kept it all in line for me (he uses that shovel to conduct it all)!!
Well, I have been doing some mad fabric shopping! JoAnns had a big sale last week and Beth and I took one evening to go up there and celebrate all by ourselves! No boyz in tow! We both stocked up on goodies and I just had to share a picture of mine because I just continued to marvel at the stuff even the next morning! I just can't wait to see what fun stuff I can turn it into!
and a couple of my favorite ALIEN ones... yes, I ended up with quite an alien theme happening. those will be fun for the boyz in our lives for sure!

Some beautiful limes are finally happening on a tree we planted when we moved into this house. Yum! I just thought they were so pretty all hangin' there together!
I have been making buckle with lots of the co-op fruits that we have been getting! I have a great recipe that hopefully I will post one day for a buckle using all whole wheat flours and it sweetened with agave nectar (no refined sugar in the whole thing... and it is truly good!)! It is so good and a dessert that you don't have to feel guilty about!
Eating ice cream and buckle with Mimi! YES, they are finally back!! Mimi & Papa returned at the end of September and Zane was soooooo happy to see them! He really remembered them which was SO cool! They took a month long trip in their new horse trailer and camper. Check out their travels at Hoof Beats.

and reading books. Zane is absolutely CRAZY for books (big surprise, heh?). He will look through his whole basket of books. He has a couple throughout the house. We read books so much that I think Paul and I are pretty sick of the ones we have but they are so new and fun every time for him! He will also find the cat or dog on the page now if you ask him and point to them! His big thing now is pointing. He will point to your nose or mouth too if you ask him where it is! He is learning so darn fast it is really amazing!
And he loves his puppy! Check out this hilarious video of him first cuddling with Dylan (when he is laying his head on her check out his one hand how he is scratching her - too cute). Then he is pushing his cracker through his toy and it is driving Dylan crazy! It is so funny to watch his reaction when Dylan finally snags it and eats it!
(This is one of my favorites so far!)
This weekend Zane and I are traveling again! We are off with Beth & Dexter for the Florida Le Leche League Conference - Positive Parenting! It is a great conference hosted by the Le Leche League with speakers discussing different parenting topics. I am sure you will all get to hear what fun times we had there! Wish us safe driving and fun times at the beach!
And just another little video because they are so much fun! What a homecoming, right? Zane is the best welcoming committee around!
i can't believe zanester is walking!! i can't wait to see the little cutie in a couple weeks!