Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Garage Therapy

We have been working A LOT on our house lately. We are going through some perging and therapy I would say. It has felt good. We have gotten rid of so much that we are going to take part in a community yard sale with. We have cleaned and organized even more. Our garage has always been a source of well... MESS and UNORGANIZATION!!!! So, we worked our entire 3 day weekend on the garage. We have it about a third done (including repainting it all white).

Zane hates loud saws (or just loud noises for that matter) so Paul found some old headphones that we have in the yard sale pile and he was happier.

Zane painted with his easel and he helped me paint the wall!

More of the process to come and some pics of it all painted!


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Great video...good job!!! Nana, xxoo

  2. Wow! That's inspiring! I can't tell you how much PC and Zane are alike. PC hates it when paul uses the loud tools and always wears the earmuffs that Paul bought for weedeating. I'll have to send you guys a pic..It's so good to see you happy & having fun too! Good luck in the yard sale!
