You can go check out the Naples Birth Center website at If you click on 'new arrivals' and then click on Zane's birthday (Oct. 29th) you can see some pictures of us! He was born in the 'Garden View Suite' in the tub you see in the picture.
This is the cool Ficus benjamina Bonsai my Uncle Benjamin & Aunt Rachael sent to me. My daddy put a shelf on our fence for it and wanted to teach me all about a hammer and a nail. So, that's me in my pram hangin' out with my Daddy helping him put up the shelf.
Benjamin Zane arrived in this world at 10:44am on October 29th with his eyes wide open and checkin' us out. He was 8lbs. - 14oz and 22 inches long!! What a big little man!! We had a natural beautiful and successful water birth and daddy even got to be the catcher!
We arrived at The Birth Center at about 3:30 am with our doula, Mercedes. We just could not have had the birth we wanted without her help. Mercedes is a rockin' doula!!!
This is my other girlfriend, Lilly (I already have lots of girlfriends!). She lives in Fort Myers with her Mommy, Meg and Daddy, Brian. They are crazy fun!
This is Lillian Eve born on September 19th. She is the new beauty in the life of Ben Morris who is a super good friend of mommy and daddy's. Her daddy even made that blanket for her... it is so pretty! What a cool daddy!!
This is Paul Carter who was born on September 20th. His parents, Paul and Lauren, are real crazy friends of my parents. One day, Paul Carter and I will tear up the streets of Boston together!
This is a blog that has turned into a terrific way for Paul and me to share our really fun & cool life. We have a beautiful son, Zane, who is our world and we have a wonderful family and group of friends that make our life perfect. This all started out in the voice of Zane but has, over time, changed into a sort of journal and has provided a way of keeping our family & friends up to date on Zane's amazing week-to-week changes and what kinds of fun we are having. We love comments and love knowing that some of you are really into it!